
You’ve Built a Business. Now, Build a Lasting Legacy.

If you are an experienced business owner or entrepreneur who’s created a six (or even seven) figure business, the idea of continuing to build your wealth and leave a legacy is something that bubbles away inside of you.

You want to create a financial legacy that gives you freedom, control and uncapped income that provides your family with all the opportunities you never had.

In reality, if you’ve got the skills, drive and ambition that has already created a business, then you have the foundations you need to create the limitless wealth and success you ultimately desire.

All it takes now is having the right guidance and a blueprint to move you from business owner and into the top 1% of those who can create truth wealth that leaves a lasting legacy…

But First, Let’s Start With
The Real, Honest Truth…

I think it’s safe to say that as a black business owner or entrepreneur you’ve faced challenges along the way to get to where you are right now.

… you’ve probably had to hustle twice as hard to get half as far.

You know it and I know it - for a long time, the system has been rigged and it’s not in our favor.

Black business owners are consistently overlooked, underfunded and under supported.

And despite all of the challenges and hurdles along the way that should never have been there in the first place…

Your mindset to think differently, your dedication to follow your dreams and believe in yourself PLUS your ‘never give up’ attitude has brought you to where you are today.

All the people who tried to tear you down and hold you back....

...you’ve proven every single one of them wrong, even with the deck stacked against you…

“When They Tried To Bury Us, They Didn’t Know We Were Seeds”...

Creating a successful business in this country, in this economy, as a black man or woman is no easy feat, and you’ve crushed every single expectation anyone has ever had of you…

...so why does it sometimes feel like you’ve STILL not made it?

Could it be because you know there’s another level of wealth waiting for you, just beyond your reach?

A level that unlocks more freedom, more security and more opportunities.

So, what happens if this next level of success continues to elude you?

What are you leaving for the next generation, and the one after that?

I’m going to speak from a place of care and respect and ask you to put your trust in me when I say this, because I think you need to hear it...

...You’re Not Serving Anyone By Playing Small

If you know, deep in your soul that you’re destined for more… then you’re doing yourself and those around you an injustice by not stepping up.

You’re depriving your family of a better life and the community of a strong role model - the kind you wish you had when you were growing up.

I’m here to tell you that you can achieve your goals. You can do anything you set your mind to. You’ve ALREADY proven you have what it takes.

Now you just need a plan to get to that next level, an exclusive network of like-minded people, and an expert to guide you.

That’s what the Millionaire Mindset Mastermind is all about...

Build A Better Life And Secure
Your Financial Freedom

In the Millionaire Mindset Mastermind (MMM), we help successful black business owners and entrepreneurs understand the strategies, tools and processes you can use to scale your business exponentially and master your personal finances.

The MMM exists to help people like you create the life you’ve always dreamed of.

Once you implement the strategies I’m about to teach you in MMM you’ll be able to save for retirement, grow your income, build your wealth, and create a financial legacy that will support your family for generations…

...all because you’ve been taught the most important principles in:

If you’re accepted into the MMM, you’ll discover how to build or buy assets that make you money even while you sleep. Assets that will continue to make money for your family, even when you’re no longer around.

You’ll be taught how to scale your business, grow your wealth and reach the level of financial independence you desire.

Success Is About Surrounding Yourself With The Right People

If you’re going to achieve that next level of success, you need a guide. Someone who can help you avoid all the time-consuming and wealth-destroying mistakes that can easily occur in today’s financial environment.

If you’re going to learn from someone, you want that person to know where you’re coming from, right?

Shouldn’t they…

...know the barriers that black businesses owners face every day?

....understand that the same knowledge and processes that got your business to six figures aren’t going to get you to seven?

…have the expertise to help you with everything from estate planning to legacy building, credit mastery, business development, branding and marketing, and everything else you need to create truth wealth.

...believe in you and your dreams, even when everyone else has turned their back?

That someone is me.

I’m Garth Vickers

I’m a financial adviser, money manager and business coach, and I help black business owners and entrepreneurs build a financial legacy and a life they truly love.

Let me tell you a few things about me...

I grew up in Jamaica and when I was 8 years old, I sold mangoes and sugar cane to buy the books I needed to educate myself. There was no free school so if you wanted to learn, you needed to make it happen yourself. So I did.

Since then, I’ve grown as a person and as a businessman. From an 8 year old struggling to afford books, to a leader in the black community, managing over $50 million in client assets.

And for a little bit more of a humble brag...

It’s safe to say that my experiences over the last 10 years have made me the expert I am today and why I’m so determined to help others experience the same success I have.

For years I was the guy that companies called on when they wanted to reduce their employee turnover to less than 5% and increase their annual revenue by 10% YOY which added millions to their bottom line.

And now that same top echelon coaching is available to you.

I wanted to create a space where I could coach successful black business owners who were looking for growth and financial independence. A place where extraordinary people could come together and help each other reach those goals.

So I created The Millionaire Mindset Mastermind.

The Ultimate Mastermind for Successful Black Business Owners

MMM is the single best place to learn how to scale your business, find profitable opportunities, build investments, manage your finances effectively and generate wealth so you can provide a better life for yourself and your family.

Over 12 life-changing months, you will learn…

How to Grow Your
Business to Unthinkable Heights

Develop the confidence and expertise to create new business processes and marketing initiatives that will make 2020 a year of historical growth for your business. You will learn the secrets to successful sales and subconscious connection and how to unlock the buyer’s mind to instantly gain a competitive edge.

Powerful Principles to Create Financial Independence and Security

Learn how to use your money to make more money, even while you sleep. Free yourself from society’s expectations and achieve true financial independence to secure the future you want.

Time-Tested Strategies for Generating Wealth

Master the art of scaling your profits, real estate, stocks, investment strategies, and exclusive investment opportunities, restricted only to members of the MMM.

How to Become The Role Model You Wish You Had

Transform into a torchbearer for the next generation. It’s time to show our sons and daughters what strong black men and women can achieve when we work together.

The Secret to Building a Futureproof

Go beyond the one-size-fits-all financial advice and finally experience the feeling of financial security. Learn everything you need to know about retirement, tax and estate planning to secure your legacy.

In 12 months time, you’ll look back at your unbelievable journey and wonder how you’ve come so far in such a short time.
If you’ve got the right guidance and expertise in your corner, anything is possible...


I have been doing business with Garth since 2013. He transformed my mindset so I can not only have a business, but also how to save money at the end of the year. Sometimes it is not how much money you make it is how much you save.

Vincent Dew

Training, Coaching and
Mentoring That’s Personal to You

Our exclusive inner circle gives you an exact blueprint on how to grow your business and build your financial legacy. I’ll be with you every step of the way to guide you and be your personal financial and business expert.

Here’s what you can expect as part of the MMM...

Develop a High Value Network

Build relationships in-person and online with successful black entrepreneurs and business owners, and ask me all your questions directly. Join us on exclusive live events and even retreats.

Identify New Strategies for Success

Gain new financial knowledge and learn how to implement it with annual access to our complete library of courses, as well as every new course I release.

Dominate The Market With Exclusive Information

Become a part of the inner circle and gain access to my insider information. Receive private advice, research and resources on investments, recommended stocks, real estate and online business growth hacking.

Discover The Retirement Secrets of The Wealthy

Prepare for retirement with a comprehensive guide to structure your investments as you transition from work to leisure, and study exit strategies for selling your business.

Access Exclusive Resources, Available Only to MMM Members.

Explore complete packages for business entity set-up, estate planning, business continuation planning and a custom financial strategy to scale your business profits.

Generate a Flood of New Business

Position your business for exponential growth with in-depth training on business development, sales processes, branding theory and marketing strategies.

Learn From Your Own
Private Expert

Develop your financial knowledge at a rapid rate with monthly one-on-one calls with me (normally priced at $300 p/h to non-MMM members) and high level group sessions. You’ll also receive an exclusive invite to our annual in-person event or retreat to learn directly from specially selected guest speakers and industry experts in business and finance.

Plus so much more… It’s everything you need to move from being a business owner to someone generating true wealth that leaves a high-impact legacy that is remembered for generations.

Is This The Right Mastermind For Me?

The MMM is right for you if:

Apply Now To Be Put On Our Wait-List

In order to ensure the mastermind remains of the highest quality, we screen all prospective members via a briefing call to make sure you’re the right fit to join our tight-knit group.

NOTE: Please be aware that if you do not currently make at least $100,000 per year, we’ll suggest you join our Wealth & Freedom Accelerator Academy instead, which is designed to give you the financial knowledge you need to attain that level of financial success.

It’s Time To Act Now and Build Your Wealth - For You, For Your Family, For Your Future

This is your chance to develop the knowledge, skills and confidence to grow your business, massively increase your personal income and gain access to some of the smartest, most well-informed black entrepreneurs and business owners on the planet, including me, Garth Vickers.

What are you waiting for? This could be the best financial decision you ever make…

Are you ready to build that legacy?